Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

05-02 Controversies in Research on Homosexuality

05-02 Controversies in Research on Homosexuality

Q 1. Do you believe homosexuality is biologically based or something that an individual learns or chooses?2. Do you think that research on sensitive subjects like homosexuality should be pursued so that it educates the public, or is questioning homosexuality offensive?3. Does shining a light on it using scientific research open it up for more criticism?

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Sexual orientation is a matter of personal choice. There is a strong debate on whether homosexuality is a biological trait. I would say that homosexuality is both biological and also something that an individual chooses or learn. A child is born and by seeing his physical attributes we decide that it is a girl or it is boy. Once this recognition is done, begins the stereotyping, social roles which asks a man to behave like a man and a woman to behave like a woman. People who realise or understand that that they are homosexual find it difficult to come to terms with it and this remain in the closet.